The Curve DAO has a total of three Aragon Agent ownership addresses, which are governed by two independent DAOs:
Community DAO¶
The Community DAO (or just “the DAO”) governs the day-to-day operation of the protocol.
Voting is based on a user’s holdings of “Vote-Escrowed CRV” (veCRV). veCRV is obtained by locking CRV for up to 4 years, with 1 veCRV equal to 1 CRV locked for 4 years. As the lock time decreases, an account’s veCRV balance decreases linearly as the time remaining until unlock decreases. veCRV is non-transferrable.
An account must have a minimum balance of 2500 veCRV to make a DAO vote. Each vote lasts for one week. Votes cannot be executed after the they successfully passed.
Contract Source & Deployment
CurveOwnershipAgent contract is deployed to the Ethereum mainnet at: 0x40907540d8a6C65c637785e8f8B742ae6b0b9968.
CurveParameterAgent contract is deployed to the Ethereum mainnet at: 0x4EEb3bA4f221cA16ed4A0cC7254E2E32DF948c5f.
Ownership Admin¶
The ownership admin controls most functionality within the protocol. Performing an action via the ownership admin requires a 30% quorum with 51% support.
Parameter Admin¶
The parameter admin has authority to modify parameters on pools, such as adjusting the amplification co-efficient. Performing an action via the paramater admin requries a 15% quorum with 30% support.
Emergency DAO¶
The EmergencyDAO has limited authority to kill non-factory pools and gauges during extraordinary circumstances.
Contract Source & Deployment
EmergencyDAO contract is deployed to the Ethereum mainnet at: 0x467947EE34aF926cF1DCac093870f613C96B1E0c.
This DAO consists of nine members, comprised of a mix of the Curve team and prominent figures within the DeFi community. Each member has one vote. Any member may propose a vote.
All members of the EmergencyDAO may propose new votes. A vote lasts for 24 hours and can be executed immediately once it receives 66% support.
Name | Details - Telegram | |
banteg | Yearn, @banteg | @banteg |
Calvin | @calchulus | @calchulus |
C2tP | Convex, @c2tp_eth | @C2tP |
Darly Lau | @Daryllautk | @Daryllautk |
Ga3b_node | @ga3b_node | |
Naga King | @nagakingg | @nagakingg |
Peter MM | @PeterMm | |
Addison | @addisonthunderhead | @0xaddi |
Quentin Milne | StakeDAO, @Kii_iu |
To obtain the current members' addresses, query getOwners
within the EmergencyDAO contract.
Killing Pools¶
Non-Factory liquidity pools can be killed by calling the kill_me()
function of the pool. The function can only be called within the first 2 months after deploying the pool.
Guarded Method
This function is only callable by the owner
of the pools.
Calling kill_me()
sets the is_killed
variable of the pool to True. By doing this, the contract prevents users from performing actions such as exchange
, add_liquidity
, remove_liquidity_imbalance
and remove_liquidity_one_coin
. Users can only remove funds by calling remove_liquidity
In general, a pool can be "unkilled" again by calling the function unkill_me()
. This reverts the changes made when it was killed."
Source code
is_killed: bool
kill_deadline: uint256
KILL_DEADLINE_DT: constant(uint256) = 2 * 30 * 86400
def kill_me():
assert msg.sender == self.owner # dev: only owner
assert self.kill_deadline > block.timestamp # dev: deadline has passed
self.is_killed = True
def unkill_me():
assert msg.sender == self.owner # dev: only owner
self.is_killed = False
Killing Gauges¶
Gauges can be killed by calling the set_killed()
function on the corresponding gauge, thereby setting the is_killed
variable to True.
By doing this, the rate of the gauge is set to 0, effectively stopping all the $CRV emissions.
Source code
is_killed: public(bool)
def set_killed(_is_killed: bool):
@notice Set the killed status for this contract
@dev When killed, the gauge always yields a rate of 0 and so cannot mint CRV
@param _is_killed Killed status to set
assert msg.sender == self.admin
self.is_killed = _is_killed
def _checkpoint(addr: address):
@notice Checkpoint for a user
@param addr User address
_period: int128 = self.period
_period_time: uint256 = self.period_timestamp[_period]
_integrate_inv_supply: uint256 = self.integrate_inv_supply[_period]
rate: uint256 = self.inflation_rate
new_rate: uint256 = rate
prev_future_epoch: uint256 = self.future_epoch_time
if prev_future_epoch >= _period_time:
self.future_epoch_time = CRV20(CRV).future_epoch_time_write()
new_rate = CRV20(CRV).rate()
self.inflation_rate = new_rate
if self.is_killed:
# Stop distributing inflation as soon as killed
rate = 0
# Update integral of 1/supply
if block.timestamp > _period_time:
_working_supply: uint256 = self.working_supply
prev_week_time: uint256 = _period_time
week_time: uint256 = min((_period_time + WEEK) / WEEK * WEEK, block.timestamp)
for i in range(500):
dt: uint256 = week_time - prev_week_time
w: uint256 = Controller(GAUGE_CONTROLLER).gauge_relative_weight(self, prev_week_time / WEEK * WEEK)
if _working_supply > 0:
if prev_future_epoch >= prev_week_time and prev_future_epoch < week_time:
# If we went across one or multiple epochs, apply the rate
# of the first epoch until it ends, and then the rate of
# the last epoch.
# If more than one epoch is crossed - the gauge gets less,
# but that'd meen it wasn't called for more than 1 year
_integrate_inv_supply += rate * w * (prev_future_epoch - prev_week_time) / _working_supply
rate = new_rate
_integrate_inv_supply += rate * w * (week_time - prev_future_epoch) / _working_supply
_integrate_inv_supply += rate * w * dt / _working_supply
# On precisions of the calculation
# rate ~= 10e18
# last_weight > 0.01 * 1e18 = 1e16 (if pool weight is 1%)
# _working_supply ~= TVL * 1e18 ~= 1e26 ($100M for example)
# The largest loss is at dt = 1
# Loss is 1e-9 - acceptable
if week_time == block.timestamp:
prev_week_time = week_time
week_time = min(week_time + WEEK, block.timestamp)
_period += 1
self.period = _period
self.period_timestamp[_period] = block.timestamp
self.integrate_inv_supply[_period] = _integrate_inv_supply
# Update user-specific integrals
_working_balance: uint256 = self.working_balances[addr]
self.integrate_fraction[addr] += _working_balance * (_integrate_inv_supply - self.integrate_inv_supply_of[addr]) / 10 ** 18
self.integrate_inv_supply_of[addr] = _integrate_inv_supply
self.integrate_checkpoint_of[addr] = block.timestamp